How do flat earthers explain 24 hours of daylight
How do flat earthers explain 24 hours of daylight

how do flat earthers explain 24 hours of daylight

To flat-earthers, this spiraling distance explains changes throughout the year, such as seasonal temperature differences and the amount of sunlight each day. The radial distance between the North Pole and the sun changes throughout the year, with the radius being smallest on the June Solstice and greatest on the December equinox. In the zetetic model, the sun circles above the earth each day around an axis passing through the North Pole. Flat-earthers think that no one can penetrate the dome, so it would be pointless to speculate where the ice of Antarctica ends. You see, the bottom of the dome of heaven to which the stars are attached (the firmament of the King James Version of the Bible) rests somewhere beyond the ice wall. Flat-earthers don’t know how far the icy waste of Antarctica extends, nor do they care.

how do flat earthers explain 24 hours of daylight

Rather, the flat, round earth is ringed by an ice wall that we usually call Antarctica. There is no South Pole, nor is there a continent of Antarctica. This figure shows the surface of the earth in the zetetic model. How is this a problem? Modern flat-earthers believe the zetetic model. Modern flat-earthers believe the zetetic model. And therein lies a problem for flat-earthers. This time of year, the sun rises well south of east and sets well south of west. I mentioned that many people are surprised to learn that the sun usually doesn’t rise due east and set due west. I wrote about some of these changes associated with the December solstice more than a month ago. Since we are now a little more than a month past the December solstice, I’m starting to get encouraged because I know that, at least on average, the temperatures are starting to get warmer. This lag of temperatures behind the march of the seasons is called thermal inertia. However, average temperatures continue to decline for another month after the December solstice before they start a slow increase.

how do flat earthers explain 24 hours of daylight

The change will be slow at first, but it will pick up in a couple of months. I know that for the next six months there will be an increase in the amount of daylight as nights shorten. However, the December solstice always offers me hope. Every year as we slip from autumn to winter, I get a little depressed. We are now a little more than a month into winter.

How do flat earthers explain 24 hours of daylight